About Me

A warm welcome to my practice, AWARENEZ THERAPY

I’m Jan, an Accredited High-Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist and Person-Centred Counseller. I received my main training in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) under the NHS’s Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme, now known as NHS Talking Therapies. Additionally, I am a qualifed Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapist, offering specialised care for trauma and related issues. Currently, I am in the final stage of completing my Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Teacher Training with East London NHS Foundation Trust.

My journey into the mental health field has been guided by a deep passion for working with individuals seeking support and relief from anxiety, depression, trauma, or simply looking to enhance overall well-being – individuals who not only want to be heard but also truly listened to in an objective and empathetic manner. I am committed to fostering growth, facilitating healing, and promoting empowerment through a compassionate and collaborative approach.

The majority of my counselling and psychotherapy experience comes from my work within the NHS Talking Therapies, where I provided High-Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to support clients experiencing moderate to moderately severe depression and anxiety disorders:

  • Depression
  • Generalized anxiety
  • Social anxiety
  • Healthy Anxiety
  • Panic and agoraphobia
  • Other phobias
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Body dysmorphic disorder

My work included carrying out assessment, treatment planning, weekly therapy sessions, and end-of-therapy relapse planning.

So, I’d like to offer some further insight into my background. I believe it’s important for potential clients to feel assured that they’re reaching out to a credible, genuine, and qualified therapist who can provide the services they seek.

My journey into supporting individuals began with my heartfelt decision to train as a secondary school teacher, after working for a few years in accounting, for a corporate business in London. It all started with earning my Bachelor’s Degree in Education, at the age of 27. After being promoted to Assistant Headship, I obtained a Postgraduate Degree in Coaching and Mentoring Practice. Through this lens, I wanted to learn about the diverse aspirations, desires, and priorities that drive people toward achieving their goals. I worked for many years in public sector education, I even ventured abroad to teach English as Another Language in Spain for almost 2 years before returning to the UK. These experiences allowed me to engage with individuals from various backgrounds and cultures, deepening my understanding of human behaviour, and the complexities of personal development.

In addition to my professional background, I also bring a personal perspective to my practice. As someone who is neurodiverse, with a diagnosis of ADHD, I have encountered my own share of challenges and adversities. I’ve grappled with moments of low mood and anxiety, both stemming from external pressures and internal struggles. Starting my own practice was undoubtedly a daunting endeavour, but it’s through these trials that I’ve discovered resilience and strength.

With a background in psychotherapy and a journey shaped by education and personal experience, I bring a unique blend of empathy, insight, and therapeutic techniques to support individuals on their healing journey. Through my online therapy services, I provide a secure and confidential space for you to explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences without judgment. It’s a privilege to accompany individuals like you on the path toward wellbeing, offering guidance and understanding every step of the way.

Recognising the courage it takes to seek support, I’m grateful for the trust you’ve placed in me as a partner in your journey. Whether you choose to work with me or explore other avenues of support, my goal is to provide you with the information needed to make an informed decision about your therapeutic journey. Thank you for considering me as a potential ally in your pursuit of healing and personal growth.

Get in Touch:

Are you ready to take the next step?

Feel free to contact me to schedule a consultation or ask any questions.

My Psychotherapy and Counselling Accreditation Bodies and their Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice I adhere to: